Michael Busch, EIT

Civil and Water Resources Designer


Michael joined Meliora in 2019, by way of Twin Cities, Minnesota, where he is from, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he earned bachelor and master’s degrees in civil and environmental engineering.  His master’s thesis project involved the use of floating wetlands to protect and restore shoreline, and his interest in preserving the natural environment translates into the work that he does for the firm. Typical responsibilities include design of stormwater structures, green stormwater infrastructure, wetland and beach restoration, and civil site and utilities design.

A particular area of Michael’s expertise is analysis and documentation for stormwater planning and flood reduction studies, which includes stormwater modeling. He is proficient in the use of various software programs for hydraulic and hydrologic models including HydroCAD, HEC-RAS, US EPA SWMM and WinSLAMM, and is also adept at AutoCAD and AutoCAD Civil 3D and analysis using Matlab and ArcGIS.

When he’s not running a software program, he is literally running—a favorite pastime—and enjoys Wissahickon Park for a good run or hike. A big music fan, Michael attends live shows and concerts when his three devoted cats, Frank, Annie, and Clark, allow him to divert his attention from them. Annie in particular is known for video bombing online meetings when Michael is working from home.